Friday, October 26, 2012

Listening to Music with The F-Man

So Felix has just recently got into the habit of taking 2-3 hour naps. Glorious I know. If this continues for a prolonged period of time, I will be able to do a bit more writing on music. I already have a Tumblr set up (3 New Rangers) where you can find updates of my family life on a more regular basis. Here on DADROCK I will focus more on writing about music I'm listening to with my 1 year old son Felix. Think of it as part reflection on parenting, and part music analysis. Oh, and be forewarned, my boy loves to dance, so the majority of music encountered on this sight will be of the rhythmic quality. Please come by to check things out!

In the meantime, here's a track that is a current favorite of Felix's - Arthur Russell's Dinosaur project and their song "Kiss Me Again". This is the B-Side version of the song which features co-production from David Byrne and is just the right amount of weird.

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